Introduction To Forestry Notes

Introduction To Forestry is designed to provide foundational knowledge on forestry. It covers principles of forest management, classification of forests, features of Forest Policies, sustainable forestry practices, types of forests, their biodiversity, and the role forests play in climate regulation. If you are looking for Introduction To Forestry notes you are at the right place. Here you can find all BSc Agriculture notes a single platform. we have updated introduction to forestry 1st semester notes as per Latest ICAR 5th dean committee syllabus. Here you can find details about the Introduction to Forestry 1st semester notes.
Name of PDF | Introduction To Forestry |
Number of pages | 96 |
PDF Size | 8 MB |
Syllabus | As per ICAR 5th dean committee |
Course | BSc Agriculture |
Semester | 1st semester |
Language | English |
Notes Source | ICAR, TNAU |
Introduction To Forestry Syllabus
Introduction To Forestry Theory Syllabus
Introduction – definitions of basic terms related to forestry, objectives of silviculture, forest classification, salient features of Indian Forest Policies. Forest regeneration, Natural regeneration – natural regeneration from seed and vegetative parts, coppicing, pollarding, root suckers; Artificial regeneration – objectives, choice between natural and artificial regeneration, essential preliminary considerations. Crown classification. Tending operations – weeding, cleaning, thinning – mechanical, ordinary, crown and advance thinning. Forest mensuration – objectives, diameter measurement, instruments used in diameter measurement; Non instrumental methods of height measurement – shadow and single pole method; Instrumental methods of height measurement – geometric and trigonometric principles, instruments used in height measurement; tree stem form, form factor, form quotient, measurement of volume of felled and standing trees, age determination of trees. Agroforestry – definitions, importance, criteria of selection of trees in agroforestry, different agroforestry systems prevalent in the country, shifting cultivation, taungya, alley cropping, wind breaks and shelter belts, home gardens. Cultivation practices of two important fast growing tree species of the region.
Introduction To Forestry Practical Syllabus
Identification of tree-species. Diameter measurements using calipers and tape, diameter measurements of forked, buttressed, fluted and leaning trees. Height measurement of standing trees by shadow method, single pole method and hypsometer. Volume measurement of logs using various formulae. Nursery lay out, seed sowing, vegetative propagation techniques. Forest plantations and their management. Visits of nearby forest based industries.

Other Notes
- Agricultural Marketing Trade and Prices
- Farming System & Sustainable Agriculture
- Principles of Seed Technology
- Production Technology for Fruit and Plantation Crops
- Renewable Energy and Green Technology
- Production Technology for Ornamental Crops MAPs and Landscaping
- Crop Production Technology II Rabi Crops
- ICAR JRF Agronomy Syllabus : ICAR AIEEA (PG)- Agronomy
- ICAR 5th Dean Committee Agriculture syllabus – BSc Agriculture Syllabus