Backyard medicinal Plants for your garden

Backyard medicinal Plants for your garden: India is the homeland of herbal medicine. There are thousands of medicinal plants in our country. At present, Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani doctors rely on 90% of medicinal plants in villages, towns and cities. Medicinal plants are also widely used in allopathic and homeopathic medicine. Westerners are also recognizing the importance of medicinal plants as they perceive the ill effects of consuming chemicals and synthetics in modern medicine, cosmetics, and health supplements. Different parts i.e. root, bark, leaf, flower, seeds are made in infusion, juice, crushed and oily form and taken as medicine. Changing over the generations, valuable knowledge about many types of plants grown around us are depriving. Growing and using such medicinal plants in the home can provide medical care for minor ailments, prevent many minor ailments on their own, and reduce the financial burdens on the family to some extent. Let’s learn how useful are about some of the available plants in our back yards to get out of illness.
Aloe vera
Aloe vera a Bushy Growing Plant has many medicinal Properties:
- Leaves contain 94 Percent of Water.
- Grinded Aloe vera leaves can be used as an ointment on boils sores.
- Pulp from Aloe vera leaves along with pinch of salt taken for every 15 days enhances digestion Power and also kills or subtle germs.
- Purification of Pancreas Gland, Regulates the Liver functioning.
- Purifies blood.
- Enhances Disease Resistant Power.
- Chronic Sores due to burned Injuries can be healed .
- Useful in treating Spleen, Liver Urinary related diseases.
Basil plants can be grown easily in pots . Its leaves are coarse and have a specific fragrance and bitter taste, with lots of medicinal properties.
- Reduces discomfort in throat when taken along with honey .
- Cures Cold and Cough when two spoons of basil Juice taken with Honey.
- Chewing basil leaves on empty stomach everyday increases the immunity power.
- Strengthens the heart, Causes Disease Resistant Power.
- Works as Air Purifier and avoids insects and germs in itspresence.
Mint is a shrub grown either in pots or entwined above soil.
- Stomach Bloating, Pain, Vomiting sensation can be cured with use of mint leaves syrup along with pepper powderonce in a day.
- Does Purification of Liver, Pancreas Glands.
- Reliefs Cough, Sneeze, and Fatigue.
- Mint Juice with water gives Dental Care and reduces Oral Stink .
- Sunstroke can be prevented by drinking buttermilk with mint Leaves juice.
Curry Leaves
Curry leaves plant is a Perennial Tree. Though it is used for general fragrance in the diet it has a lot High medicinal Properties.
- Chewing ten curry leaves a day may decrease Obese Weight.
- Curry leaves juice along with lemon ans sugar cures indigetion.
- Morning sickness vomiting and Nausea can be relieved with a cup of curry leaves juice with two Spoons Lemon Juice a Spoon Sugar.
- Distance Eye Problems can be reduced with regular use of curry leaves.
- It enhances the healthy growth hair.
Hibiscus is a plant can be grown either in pots, or above open soil. All parts of the plants Hibiscus Leaves, Flowers, Roots are containing high medicinal properties
- Irregular blood supply of Menstruation Cycle can be cured with daily in – take of Hibiscus flower juice.
- Head aches due to stress can be minimised with hibiscus flower or leaf massage on head along with oils.
- Suffering with Joints Pains and Inflammations can be treated with application of Hibiscus Juice on joints.
- Glossy Hair can be obtained with regular use of Hibiscus Flowers along with boiled coconut oil.
Fruits Plant can be easily and generally grown back yard
- High fibre content in papaya reduces the fat rate in body.
- Antacids in Papaya reduces the rate of chances of heart attack.
- Regulates the digestive system.
- Helps in reducing obescity due to less carbohydrates and to more Vitamins of ‘A’ and ‘C’ and increases disease Resistant Power .
- Regulates and maintains blood Cholesterol Level Equilibrium and, contributes in preventing Heart Related Diseases.
Moringa is A easy Augmentable Plant.. All parts of moringa are used as vegetable.It is known for its medicinal properties along with taste.
- Its rich in Iron, Calcium , Vitamins and so can be treated for anaemia among adolescent girls and pregnant women.
- Asthma, Tuberculosis can be treated with boiled Moringa leaves along with pinch of salt.
- Avoids Skin Problems.
- Urinary leakage among diabetic patients can be treated with a spoon full of Moringa juice taken with pinch of rock salt taken two times a day.
- Moringa leaves juice can reduce Acne .
- Moringa leaf juice taken along with pinch of salt, pepper powder and lemon juice may treat Cold, Cough and Fatigue.
Pomegranate is a Chronic Tree. Leaves, bark, skin on fruit have lot of medicinal properties.
- Pomegranate acts as a Natural Aspirin.
- Speeds up Blood supply.
- Does purification of gastrointestinal tract and relieves stomach pain and stomach bloating.
- Menstrual stress and such and pains can be treated with Pomegranate Juice.
Lemon belongs to sour family and can be grown in small places.
- Very high in calcium content and is more use full to women attained menaopauce.
- Anti Oxidants and Lemonoids present in lemon are Cancer Preventables.They destroy Cancer causing Tissues.
- Lemon juice with warm water can treat indigestion.
- Lemon juice can be used as divine medicine for Heartburn Inflammation, Diarrhea.
- Ageing of skin and wrinkles can be prevented to some extent by regular uasage of Lemon Juice.
- Regular usage of lemon juice can cure leaking from teeth and bad breath.
Most commonly grown chronic tree grown in backyards. Lots of medicinal properties in leaves and fruit.
- Tooth Pain, and gum Rigidity can be treated with regularly gargled three times per day when 5-6 Fresh guava Leaves boiled in half Liter in water .
- Leaves From Available Oil Anti Of oxidants Actions Speed up Does. With leaves Made Drugs Diarrhea, To dysentries Good Result.
- Brain Cells keeps actived with Carotenoids, Isofavo Noids, Polyphenols present in guava fruits.
Note – Article is taken from times of agriculture magazine authored by Ms. P.Nikitha and Ms. Y. Uma Jyothi