ICAR 5th Dean Committee Agriculture syllabus – BSc Agriculture Syllabus
ICAR 5th Dean Committee Agriculture syllabus is designed for BSc agriculture. The committee has updated BSc agriculture syllabus and now its popularly known as ICAR 5th Dean Commitee Agriculture syllabus. In this article you will find list of all subject that covered under Bsc agriculture programme.
updated ICAR 5th dean committee agriculture syllabus gives new direction to agriculture education. it adds few more topics to get clear view about agriculture.
The fifth dean committee was constituted by the ICAR under the chairmanship of Prof. R.B. Singh with the following terms of reference:
Defining UG & PG degrees for general market needs and for specialist jobs and uniformity in UG and PG degree nomenclature
Restructuring of UG programmes for increased practical and practice contents
Central assistance for strengthening of Higher Agricultural Education
Guidelines for assessing training needs and performance of teaching faculties
Reforms in governance of SAUs
Minimum standards for establishment of new colleges.
In this article, we have updated BSc Agriculture syllabus and syllabi of all courses like horticulture, engineering, fisheries, dairy technology, etc.