Soil and Water Conservation Engineering 

soil and water conservation engineering notes

Soil and Water Conservation Engineering is a basic book for understanding techniques to manage soil erosion, water conservation, and proper land management. It provides knowledge for sustainable agricultural practices and protect the soil. These are basic fundamental subject for first year BSc Agriculture students.  If you’re looking for Soil and Water Conservation Engineering notes you’re at the perfect place. Here, you can find all BSc Agriculture notes at one platform. We have updated the Soil and Water Conservation Engineering notes as per latest ICAR 5th Dean Committee syllabus. Here you will also find Soil and Water Conservation Engineering syllabus and notes.

Name of PDFSoil and Water Conservation Engineering 
Number of pages49
PDF Size3.75 MB
SyllabusAs per ICAR 5th dean committee
CourseAs per ICAR 5th Dean committee
Semester2nd Semester

Soil and Water Conservation Engineering  Syllabus  : Theory

Soil erosion – Introduction, causes and types – geological and accelerated erosion, agents, factors affecting and effects of erosion. Water erosion – Mechanics and forms – splash, sheet, rill, gully, ravine and stream bank erosion. Gullies – Classification, stages of development. Soil loss estimation – Universal soil loss equation (USLE) and modified USLE. Rainfall erosivity – estimation by KE>25 and EI30 methods. Soil erodibility – topography, crop management and conservation practice factors. Measurement of soil erosion – Runoff plots, soil samplers. Water erosion control measures – agronomical measures – contour farming, strip cropping, conservation tillage and mulching. Engineering measures– Bunds and terraces. Bunds – contour and graded bunds – design and surplussing arrangements. Terraces – level and graded broad base terraces, bench terraces – planning, design and layout procedure, contour stonewall and trenching. Gully and ravine reclamation – principles of gully control – vegetative measures, temporary structures and diversion drains. Grassed waterways and design. Wind erosion- Factors affecting, mechanics, soil loss estimation and control measures – vegetative, mechanical measures, wind breaks and shelter belts and stabilization of sand dunes.Land capability classification. Rate of sedimentation, silt monitoring and storage loss in tanks.

Soil and Water Conservation Engineering   Syllabus : Practical

Study of different types and forms of water erosion. Exercises on computation of rainfall erosivity index. Computation of soil erodibility index in soil loss estimation. Determination of length of slope (LS) and cropping practice (CP) factors for soil loss estimation by USLE and MUSLE. Exercises on soil loss estimation/measuring techniques. Study of rainfall simulator for erosion assessment. Estimation of sediment rate using Coshocton wheel sampler and multislot devisor. Determination of sediment concentration through oven dry method. Design and layout of contour bunds. Design and layout of graded bunds. Design and layout of broad base terraces. Design and layout of bench terraces. Design of vegetative waterways. Exercises on rate of sedimentation and storage loss in tanks. Computation of soil loss by wind erosion. Design of shelterbelts and wind breaks for wind erosion control. Visit to soil erosion sites and watershed project areas for studying erosion control and water conservation measures.

soil and water conservation engineering
soil and water conservation engineering