Statistical Methods

Statistical Methods is a basic book that provide information about various statistical tools and techniques of agricultural research, data collection methods, data analysis, probability distributions, hypothesis testing, regression analysis, and experimental design. This is the basic fundamental subject for second year BSc Agriculture students. If you’re looking for Statistical Methods notes you are at perfect place. Here, you can find all BSc Agriculture notes at one platform. We have updated the Statistical Methods notes as per latest ICAR 5th Dean Committee syllabus. Here you will also find Statistical Methods syllabus Course Notes.
Name of PDF | Statistical Methods |
Syllabus | As per ICAR 5th Dean Committee |
Course | BSc Agriculture |
Semester | 3rd semester |
Launguage | English |
Notes Source | ICAR, BAU |
Number of pages | 28 |
PDF Size | 1.08 MB |
Statistical Methods Theory Syllabus
Introduction to Statistics and its Applications in Agriculture, Graphical Representation of Data, Measures of Central Tendency & Dispersion, Definition of Probability, Addition and Multiplication Theorem (without proof). Simple Problems Based on Probability. Binomial & Poisson Distributions, Definition of Correlation, Scatter Diagram. Karl Pearson’s Coefficient of Correlation. Linear Regression Equations. Introduction to Test of Significance, One sample & two sample test t for Means, Chi-Square Test of Independence of Attributes in 2 ×2 Contingency Table. Introduction to Analysis of Variance, Analysis of One Way Classification. Introduction to Sampling Methods, Sampling versus Complete Enumeration, Simple Random Sampling with and without replacement, Use of Random Number Tables for selection of Simple Random Sample.
Statistical Methods Practical Syllabus
Graphical Representation of Data. Measures of Central Tendency (Ungrouped data) with Calculation of Quartiles, Deciles & Percentiles. Measures of Central Tendency (Grouped data) with Calculation of Quartiles, Deciles & Percentiles. Measures of Dispersion (Ungrouped Data). Measures of Dispersion (Grouped Data). Moments, Measures of Skewness & Kurtosis (Ungrouped Data). Moments, Measures of Skewness & Kurtosis (Grouped Data). Correlation & Regression Analysis. Application of One Sample t-test. Application of Two Sample Fisher’s t-test. Chi-Square test of Goodness of Fit. Chi-Square test of Independence of Attributes for 2 ×2 contingency table. Analysis of Variance One Way Classification. Analysis of Variance Two Way Classification. Selection of random sample using Simple Random Sampling.

Other Notes
- Statistical Methods
- Livestock and Poultry Management Notes
- Environmental Studies and Disaster Management Notes
- Production Technology for Vegetables and Spices
- Farm Machinery and Power
- Agricultural Finance and Cooperation Notes
- Fundamentals of Plant Breeding Notes
- Crop Production Technology Kharif Crops