Diseases of Field & Horticultural Crops & their Management- i, ii

Diseases of Field & Horticultural Crops & their Management- i, ii

Diseases of Field & Horticultural Crops & their Management is an advanced book that provides information about symptoms, etiology, disease cycle, and management strategies for major diseases affecting field and horticultural crops. The book is a valuable resource for understanding crop diseases, their causal organisms, and effective control measures of field and horticultural crops.

This is the advance subject in field of entomology for Third year and forth year BSc Agriculture students. If you’re looking for Diseases of Field & Horticultural Crops & their Management notes you are at perfect place. Here, you can find all BSc Agriculture notes at one platform. We have updated the Diseases of Field & Horticultural Crops & their Management- i, ii as per latest ICAR 5th Dean Committee syllabus. Here you will also find Diseases of Field & Horticultural Crops & their Management syllabus.

Name of DocumentDiseases of Field & Horticultural Crops & their Management- i , ii
SyllabusAs per ICAR 5th Dean Committee
CourseBSc Agriculture
Semester5th Semester
Notes SourceICAR Ecourse, RSKV
Number of pages290
Document  Size9 MB

 Diseases of Field & Horticultural Crops & their Management Theory Syllabus

Symptoms, etiology, disease cycle, and management of major diseases of the following crops:

Field Crops:

  • Rice: Blast, brown spot, bacterial blight, sheath blight, false smut, khaira, and tungro
  • Maize: Stalk rots, downy mildew, leaf spots
  • Sorghum: Smuts, grain mold, and anthracnose
  • Bajra: Downy mildew and ergot
  • Groundnut: Early and late leaf spots, wilt
  • Soybean: Rhizoctonia blight, bacterial spot, seed and seedling rot, and mosaic
  • Pigeonpea: Phytophthora blight, wilt, and sterility mosaic
  • Finger millet: Blast and leaf spot
  • Black & green gram: Cercospora leaf spot, anthracnose, web blight, and yellow mosaic
  • Castor: Phytophthora blight
  • Tobacco: Black shank, black root rot, and mosaic

Horticultural Crops:

  • Guava: Wilt and anthracnose
  • Banana: Panama wilt, bacterial wilt, Sigatoka, and bunchy top
  • Papaya: Foot rot, leaf curl, and mosaic
  • Pomegranate: Bacterial blight
  • Cruciferous vegetables: Alternaria leaf spot and black rot
  • Brinjal: Phomopsis blight and fruit rot, Sclerotinia blight
  • Tomato: Damping off, wilt, early and late blight, buckeye rot, leaf curl, and mosaic
  • Okra: Yellow vein mosaic
  • Beans: Anthracnose and bacterial blight
  • Ginger: Soft rot
  • Colocasia: Phytophthora blight
  • Coconut: Wilt and bud rot
  • Tea: Blister blight
  • Coffee: Rust

Diseases of Field & Horticultural Crops & their Management Practical Syllabus

Identification and histopathological studies of selected diseases of field and horticultural crops covered in theory. Field visit for the diagnosis of field problems. Collection and preservation of plant diseased specimens for Herbarium; Note: Students should submit 50 pressed and well mounted specimens.

Diseases of Field & Horticultural Crops & their Management