Spawning of button mushroom

Spawning of button mushroom

Spawning of button mushroom is important aspect in mushroom production. If your roots are weeks, you will not get desired fruit. In this article we have discussed spawning of button mushroom

What is spawn?

Spawn is the mushroom mycelium grown on boiled and sterilized grains of wheat, jowar or pearl millet. It is prepared in milk or glucose bottles or autoclavable

Spawn source

Quality spawn is available from the following sources

  1. National Centre for Mushroom Research and Training (NCMRT) Chambaghat, Solan-173212, Н.Р.
  2. Mushroom Research Laboratory, Y. S. Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Chambaghat, Solan- 173213, H.P.
  3. Mushroom Laboratory. Division of Plant Pathology. I.A.R.I., New Delhi- 110012.
  4. Mushroom Culture Laboratory. Indian Institute of Horticultural Research (IIHR), Hessarghatta, Bangalore-560089.
  5. Mushroom Laboratory, Department of Microbiology, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab.
  6. Mushroom Laboratory, Department of Plant Pathology, G.B.P.U.A & T.. Pantnagar-263145, U.P.
  7. Mushroom Laboratory, Department of Plant Pathology, M.P.K. V. V., Agriculture College, Pune, Maharashtra.
  8. Mushroom Laboratory, Department of Plant Pathology, NAU, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu

Spawning of button mushroom

Spawn is broadcast in compost. The mycelium of the fungus from the spawn spreads when optimum environmental conditions (temperature of 25-27°C and 85- 90 %relative humidity) are present. During this period fresh air requirement is negligible. Spawn beds should be covered with newspapers to maintain humidity and avoid contamination during spawn running. In case of dry conditions, water should be sprayed over the newspaper. After the compost is filled in bags, extra length of bag is folded to avoid loss of moisture. Whilst bags can be stacked side by side in shelves, trays/shelves should be arranged in such a way that there is sufficient space for movement to facilitate working. The mycelial spread is complete after 14 to 21 days of incubation in dark and the colour of the compost changes from dark brown to light brown.

Precautions of Spawning

  • Spawn should be pure and fresh.
  • While spawning, spawn should be broadcast evenly.
  • After spawning, surface should be pressed gently to make it uniform.
  • Temperature should not go beyond 27°C during spawn run/ and so should be regularly monitored.
  • If temperature increases, fresh air should be introduced at intervals.
  • Compost should be properly covered with newspapers.
  • Proper gap between trays and shelves should be maintained.

Spawning Procedure

Any one of the methods of spawning described below may be followed.

(a) Surface spawning

  • Broadcast the spawn at the rate of 0.25-0.5% on the surface of the compost and mix up to the depth of 2.5-5 cm with hand.
  • Press the compost to make a uniform surface.

b) Double layer spawning

  • Put half the quantity of compost in the container and broadcast spawn.
  • Put the remaining half of the compost and spawn as done in surface spawning.

(c) Thorough spawning Mix the spawn in the compost thoroughly and fill in containers.

  • Press gently to make uniform layer of the compost.

Procedure of Stacking

  • Stack trays in rows one above the other, about 5-6 in each tier, depending upon the height of room. providing 60 cm passage to facilitate working.
  • If bags are used, stack them in shelves side by side.
  • Keep 1 cm gap from ceiling to firs shelf and the bottom tray/shelf should be 20 cm above the ground.
  • After spawning cover the compost with newspaper, in case of trays/ shelves.
  • Fold the extra length of polythene, if bags are used.
  • Maintain the room temperature at 25-27°C and relative humidity at 85- 90% after stacking.